When a student or employee reports being the victim of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, whether on or off campus, the following rights and options will be provided. 

  1. Procedures victims should follow if dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking has occurred:
    • Report the Incident – Emergencies: 911 or 336-334-4444 for UNCG Police. You may also report to the Dean of Students: 336-334-5514, or the Office of Housing and Residence Life: 336-334-5636, if you’re a resident student.
    • Preserve Evidence – Preserving evidence in all cases is imperative. For example, avoid showering, douching, eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth, if at all possible, after a sexual assault; this can destroy vital evidence. Bedding or clothing worn during or after the assault should be preserved and collected by law enforcement.
    • Law Enforcement Involvement – Victims have the right to notify police or decline police involvement. If the victim chooses to notify the police, campus security authorities can assist with the notification, if needed.   
    • Protection Orders and No-Contact Orders – Where applicable, the UNCG Police Department will assist with the acquisition, service, and enforcement of domestic violence and civil no-contact orders. You may also request a “No Contact Order” from the Dean of Students Office if you are made to feel threatened or unsafe.
  2. How will UNCG protect the confidentiality of victims:
    • NC State Law – The police department will not release the names of victims or witnesses unless required by law. Because police reports are not public record under state law, the UNCG Police Department can hold reports of crime in confidence. However, records of criminal investigations, including the name of the alleged victim and/or witness, may be released under court order.
    • Mostly Confidential – These conversations are kept as confidential as possible, but information about incidents of sexual misconduct must be shared with relevant administrators and the Title IX Coordinator so that the university can take action if necessary for reasons of safety. In planning a response, the wishes of the survivor are given full consideration.
  3. What are the existing counseling, health, mental health, victim advocacy, legal assistance, and other services available, both within UNCG and in the community:
    • On-Campus Counseling Services/Medical Care – Student Health Services Medical Clinic, Counseling Center, and Wellness Center, Anna M. Gove Building: 336-334-5340, http://shs.uncg.edu.
    • On-Campus Victim Advocacy/Counseling Services – UNCG Campus Violence Response Center (CVRC): 336-334-9839, https://cvrc.uncg.edu/
    • Off-Campus Victim Advocacy in Medical and Legal Settings/Counseling Services – Family Services of the Piedmont in Greensboro: 336-273-7273, and High Point: 336-889-7273,
      https://www.fspcares.org/ . – Family Justice Center: (336) 641-SAFE (7233), 201 S. Greene St., 2nd Floor, Greensboro, NC 27401, https://www.guilfordcountync.gov/our-county/family-justice-center.
  4. What options and assistance is available to victims in changing academic, living, transportation, and working situations.
    • The Dean of Students Office or the Title IX Coordinator can speak to you about possible assistance like changing academic, living, and transportation situations. These remedies may be made if they are reasonably available, regardless of whether or not you choose to report the incident of sexual misconduct or interpersonal violence to campus police or local law enforcement.
  5. What are the procedures for disciplinary action in cases of alleged dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking?
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